Virtual Shenanigans: Kaushal v. Vasudeva et al; Equity & The Law Society; Locked Out: The Open Court Principle in a Virtual Age |

Virtual Shenanigans: Kaushal v. Vasudeva et al; Equity and The Law Society; Locked Out: The Open Court Principle in a Virtual Age

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.25
15 minutes
Substantive: 0.25
15 minutes
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: 0.5
30 minutes
Kirk Boyd
Sally Gomery
Atrisha Lewis
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
1 hour
$119.00 plus tax
Civil Litigation Updated Conference
Includes Handouts

Justice Sally Gomery, Atrisha Lewis, and Kirk Boyd present Virtual Shenanigans: Kaushal v. Vasudeva et al; Equity and The Law Society; Locked Out: The Open Court Principle in a Virtual Age. 

The presentation will cover the regulation of the legal professions, including the role of Benchers and how they are elected. The presentation will also cover the Law Society’s initiatives with respect to equity, including providing an overview of the Challenges Face By Racialized Licensees report and recommendations. Finally, the presentation will explain how the STOPSOP slate was elected and how their positions threaten to undermine the Law Society’s efforts on equity.


Kirk Boyd

Sally Gomery

Prior to being appointed to the Superior Court of Ontario in 2017, Justice Gomery practiced civil and commercial litigation for over twenty-five years. She continues to be amazed by how much law there is and how much law there isn’t.

Atrisha Lewis

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