Child Pornography |

Child Pornography

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.0
5 minutes
Substantive: 0.5
25 minutes
Solomon Friedman
Heather Perkins-McVey
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
30 minutes
$99.00 plus tax
CCLA 30th Annual Criminal Law Conference 2018
Includes Handouts

How to properly defend; what is happening with sentencing; how to ensure the representative sample is representative; how to keep police out of the box.

This panel will cover all issues related to representing clients who are charged with an offence involving child pornography from two senior counsel who have extensive experience dealing with these types of charges. The panelists will specifically discuss the following issues: how to defend these types of cases; how to ensure that the representative sample is actually representative; how to keep police officers from giving evidence at sentencing hearings; and trends in sentencing for these offences, with particular emphasis on Ottawa compared with other jurisdictions in Ontario. Professionalism topics include:

  • 2.9 Conducting effective client interviews and client meetings to properly prepare for defending these types of cases
  • 3.17 Technology in a law practice, including considerations related to security of information, and how these considerations apply to CP cases
  • 4.1 Practising with civility in the courtroom while litigating these cases


Solomon Friedman

Solomon Friedman is a criminal defence lawyer from Ottawa, with the firm Edelson & Friedman LLP. Prior to his call to the bar, Solomon clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada for the Honourable Justice Morris Fish. His 12-year-old daughter thinks he is the best lawyer in Canada. Her twin brother disagrees

Justice Heather Perkins-McVey

Justice Heather Perkins-McVey appointed to the Ontario Court of Justice in June 2009 and presides over Criminal matters in Ottawa. Justice Perkins-McVey is the Judicial representative on the Mental Health Court Committee and the Ottawa Drug Treatment Court. Justice Perkins-McVey was actively involved with others in 2007 in setting up the Ottawa Adult Mental Health Court and in May 2008 in setting up the Ottawa Youth Mental Health Court.

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