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You're viewing videos sorted by Latest and filtered by Criminal Law.
Sentencing Vulnerable Populations
  • Shauna Pemberton
  • Justice David E. Harris
  • Justice Sandra Martins
  • Nakita Kelsey
  • Aimee Gauthier
  • Lucy Rasmussen
  • Jennifer Graham
  • Sub: 1.5
90 minutes$129.00
Human Trafficking Primer
  • Royland Moriah
  • Shauna Pemberton
  • Veronica Puls
  • Justice Bruce Duncan
  • Justice Bruce Durno
  • Prof: 0.5
  • Sub: 0.5
  • EDI: 0.5
90 minutes$129.00
Six Under Six For Six Updated
  • Mary Alfredsson
  • Connor Barbeau
  • Keagan Davis-Burns
  • Laura Foster
  • Rachel Hay
  • Al Le
  • Sub: 0.5
40 minutes$99.00
Criminal Law: You Get More With Honey
  • Justice Kofi Barnes
  • Paul Renwick
  • Michael Owoh
  • Seeta Scully
  • Shauna Pemberton
  • Sub: 1.25
85 minutes$129.00
Criminal Case Law Update; Bail Reviews vs Detention Reviews: A Primer and Guide for Defence Counsel
  • The Honourable Justice Laurie Lacelle
  • Sarah Black
  • The Honourable Justice Clyde Smith
  • Sub: 0.75
45 minutes$109.00
The Charter: Recent Key Criminal Cases
  • Kim Schofield
  • Pamela Larmondin
  • The Honourable Justice The Honourable Justice R. Philip Campbell
  • Zachary Kerbel
  • Sub: 1.5
90 minutes$129.00
Intersection of Family and Criminal Law: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know
  • John Navarrete
  • Leanne Townsend
  • The Honourable Madam Justice Susanne Goodman
  • Sub: 1.5
100 minutes$129.00
How to Succeed at Killer Cross-Examinations
  • Junior Sirivar
  • Adam Weisberg
  • Todd Weisberg
  • Sub: 1
1 hour$119.00
Drinking and Driving
  • Anthony Robinson
  • Sub: 0.75
55 minutes$109.00
Examination Demonstrations
  • Matthew Nathanson
  • Richard Fowler KC
  • Sub: 1.25
80 minutes$129.00
Search Warrants & Emerging Issues
  • Stanley Tessmer
  • Daniel Song
  • Sub: 0.75
55 minutes$109.00
Issues in Sexual Offence Prosecutions
  • Jennifer Cunningham
  • Matthew Stacey
  • Sub: 1
1 hour$119.00
A Criminal Law Commentary; Capacity and Litigation Guardians; Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice
  • Kimberly Knight
  • Gemma Charlton
  • Cassandra DeMelo
  • Sub: 0.5
40 minutes$99.00
The Gun Show & Tell: Firearm Prosecutions and Classification of Firearms
  • Vincent Paris
  • Officer Matthew Passmore
  • John Navarrete
  • Erin Pancer
  • Sub: 1.75
105 minutes$139.00
Representation Matters: EDI in Education
  • Vidal Chavannes
  • Rochelle Ivri
  • Marcus Singleton
  • Sub: 1.5
95 minutes$129.00
Mental Health and the Legal Professional
  • Dominique Dennery
  • Teresa Donnelly
  • Tameka Francis
  • Dan Stein
  • Sub: 2.25
140 minutes$149.00
Judicial Update: A View from the Benches
  • Justice Heather Perkins-McVey
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
Cross Examination Toolkit: Sex Assault Cases
  • Dominic Lamb
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.25
  • EDI: 0.25
45 minutes$109.00
Challenging and Presenting Expert Evidence: Preparation, Procedure and Practice
  • Solomon Friedman
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.75
1 hour$119.00
It Doesn’t Get Worse than This: Dangerous Offenders
  • Michael Davies
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
Six Under Six
  • Vincent Clifford
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
What Your Client Should Expect After Sentencing
  • Lisa Kerr
  • Kate Mitchell
  • Sub: 0.5
40 minutes$99.00
How to Handle Conditional Sentence Breach Hearings; Taking Care of Yourself: Wellness for Lawyers
  • Anne-Marie McElroy
  • Samantha Robinson
  • Prof: 0.5
  • Sub: 0.25
45 minutes$109.00
Making Use of the Specialized Courts – DTC, MHC, YMHC, IPC
  • Kim Hyslop
  • Gavin Johnston
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Lauren Konarowski
  • Prof: 0.25
  • EDI: 0.25
35 minutes$99.00
Guns: From Bail to Sentencing
  • Fady Mansour
  • Sharon Sabourin
  • Justice Jonathan Brunet
  • Sub: 0.75
45 minutes$109.00
The Doodys on Digital Evidence
  • Justice Peter Doody
  • Jon Doody
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
Impaired Update: Maybe there’s good news here?
  • James Foord
  • Brandon Crawford
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
11(b) is Dead: What good is Jordan now?
  • Leo Russomanno
  • Keara Lundrigan
  • Marwa Younes
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
More on Garofoli: Now What is the Crown Up To?
  • Mark Ertel
  • Genevieve McInnes
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.25
40 minutes$99.00
Top 6 in 60: Six Recent Cases from the SCC You Should Know About in 60 Minutes or Less
  • Ian Kasper
  • Sub: 1
70 minutes$119.00
The 276/278 Regime is Here to Stay: What This Means Now
  • Peter Sankoff
  • Janet O’Brien
  • Mark Halfyard
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.5
55 minutes$109.00
The Ins and Outs of Evidence Law
  • The Honourable Justice Renee Pomerance
  • Dannan Hawes
  • The Honourable Justice Brock Jones
  • Matthew Gourlay
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 1.25
90 minutes$129.00
The Role of Cognitive Bias on Lawyers and the Practice of Law
  • Sonya Pfeiffer
  • David Rudolf
  • Prof: 0.25
  • EDI: 1
75 minutes$129.00
COVID-19 and the Charter
  • The Honourable Justice Rebecca Rutherford
  • Jonathan Roth
  • Janani Shanmuganathan
  • Sayeh Hassan
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.75
70 minutes$119.00
The Sixteenth Annual Straight from the Bench Conference: Case comment: R. v. G.F., 2021 SCC 20. Criminal law update: Impaired driving & Sexual Assault (changes to the Judges Act & Pre-Trial Applications)
  • Carolynn V. Conron
  • Alayna Jay
  • Sub: 0.75
45 minutes$109.00
The Provincial Offences Act Seminar 2021
  • Carolynn V. Conron
  • Steve Keyes
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 1
80 minutes$129.00
Search and Seizure
  • Mabel Lai
  • Nader R. Hasan
  • Dannan Hawes
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.75
70 minutes$119.00
Parole, Temporary Release and Covid-19
  • Simon Borys
  • Sayeh Hassan
  • Sub: 1
1 hour$119.00
Remote Preparation of Witnesses and Clients for Pending Litigation
  • Ben Fulton
  • Andrea Sanche
  • Jessica Zita
  • Kira Domratchev
  • Prof: 0.5
  • Sub: 0.25
  • EDI: 0.25
1 hour$119.00
Supreme Court of Canada in 2020: Recent Cases, Latest Trends
  • Frank Addario
  • Eric Gertner
  • Allan C. Hutchinson
  • Deputy Judge Mark Gannage
  • Sub: 1.5
110 minutes$139.00
Highway Traffic Act and Provincial Offences Seminar
  • Carolynn V. Conron
  • Steve Keyes
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.75
1 hour$119.00
Practising Law During the Pandemic
  • Andrew Camman
  • Louise M. Mimnagh
  • Ron Ellis
  • Prof: 1
1 hour$119.00
The Shape of Litigation to Come
  • Aaron Wenner
  • The Honourable Colin L. Campbell
  • Brent Arnold
  • Maya Borooah
  • Prof: 0.5
  • Sub: 0.5
1 hour$119.00
Sentencing in Criminal Court: Latest Trends and Bill C-75 Amendments
  • Danielle Robitaille
  • Erin Winocur
  • Dannan Hawes
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 1.25
  • EDI: 0.25
110 minutes$139.00
Edibles, extracts & topicals, oh my! The new Cannabis Regulations and how they will impact your practice
  • Patrick Cummins
  • Ruth Chan
  • Barbra Miller
  • Russell Bennett
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 1.25
95 minutes$129.00
Jury Trials from the Masters
  • Diane Condo
  • Jordana Goldlist
  • David Humphrey Jr.
  • Michael Johnston
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.25
35 minutes$99.00
Civility in the Courtroom
  • Sarah Starkie
  • Trevor Brown
  • Jon Fuller
  • Prof: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
Federal Corrections & Parole
  • Simon Borys
  • Sub: 0.5
30 minutes$99.00
Bail Review & Detention
  • Omar Abou El Hassan
  • Anne London-Weinstein
  • Crown Attorney Rob Thomson
  • Prof: 0.25
  • Sub: 0.25
30 minutes$99.00
Seven Under Seven- Practical Trial Implications of C-51; Marijuana Law Since Legalization; Voyeurism Cases; Criminal/Civil Forfeiture & Constitutional Issues OR The Relationship Between Child Protection/Family and Criminal Court in Domestic Assault
  • Graham Bebbington
  • Ninetta Caparelli
  • Aaron King
  • Jessica St-Pierre
  • Tony Paciocco
  • Erica Tanny
  • Kerry Weinstein
  • Sub: 0.75
45 minutes$109.00

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