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Login to watch this video if you have a subscription. Learn more about subscriptions.Accreditation Criteria 1.8 (trust accounting and record keeping requirements), 1.15 (required conduct of lawyers or paralegals arising from statute, legislation or other legal authorities, 2.3 (complying with client identification and verification requirements), 3.17 (technology in a law or legal services practice, including information related to security of information, productivity and efficiency), Rules of Professional Conduct 3.1 (Competence), 3.2 (Quality of Service – Red Flags in Real Estate Transactions), Bylaw 9 Financial Transactions and Records. Topic will include commentary on practicing real estate during COVID and beyond, including new rules for remote commissioning and impact on complying with LSO rules for veryifying client id (permanent versus temporary changes), best practices for remote commissioning, best practices for remote signing of closing documents, use of Zoom and other technologies for virtual meetings, wiring closing funds and conflict with rules of professional conduct, discharging mortgages and conflict of day to day practice with LSO rules and status of rule review, new areas of risk for liability, and other topical issues for the real estate bar.
Ray Leclair joined Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LawPRO) in June of 2008 in the role of Vice President, TitlePLUS, and as of May, 2012 became Vice President, Public Affairs, responsible for government relations efforts at LawPRO.
Formerly General Counsel for the Kanata Research Park Corporation, a development company and major commercial landlord in Ottawa, Ray has practised in both major national law firms and as a sole practitioner, and was a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa Law School and Cité Collégiale instructing the French language portion of the real estate law course. He also served for 15 years as the Ottawa senior instructor for the French and English Real Estate Sections of the Bar Admission Course and member of the Law Society of Upper Canada’s Solicitor Advisory Group, Licensing Process.
Called to the bar in 1984, Ray is Past-Chair and remains an active participant of both the National Real Property Section of the Canadian Bar Association and of the Real Property Section of the Ontario Bar Association, past Co-Chair and remains a member of the Working Group on Lawyers & Real Estate, and President of the Ontario Real Estate Lawyers Association (ORELA). Former member of the Ontario Bar Association Council, past executive member of CBA’s National Sections Council, past member of its budget committee and formerly Vice President of the North American Bar-related® Title Insurers, past President of the Advisory Committee for the Cité Collégiale Legal Assistants Program. Ray volunteered as Manager of the fundraiser TOM* MensFashion4Hope and a VIP & Sponsor Relations Officer for semi-annual Toronto Men’s Fashion Week (TOM*). Ray is and has been a frequent speaker/presenter, in French or English, in numerous programs on various real estate and other law related topics in Canada and the United States.
Merredith MacLennan is a partner at Merovitz Potechin LLP in Ottawa. She represents clients in all aspects of real estate transactions, including the purchase, sale or financing of land and the development of residential and commercial properties. Merredith MacLennan has extensive experience in shared property matters, including condominiums, joint use agreements, co-tenancy agreements, and easements, as well as title insurance and complex title matters, providing summaries, opinions, and resolutions to her clients and other lawyers. Merredith has been certified by the Law Society of Ontario as a specialist in real estate law. She is the chair of the County of Carleton (CCLA) Real Estate Lawyer’s Committee and member of the CCLA Solicitors Conference Planning Committee. She is a member of the provincial Working Group on Lawyers and Real Estate and the Law Society’s Real Estate Liaison Group. Merredith is a past Real Estate Co-Chair of the Federation of Ontario Law Associations. Merredith holds a B.A. from Dalhousie University, an LL.B. from the University of New Brunswick and an LL.M. from Osgoode Hall. She was called to the Bar in 1999.