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As the face of Claims Prevention and practicePRO at LAWPRO, Ian evangelizes the principles of good law practice management and claims prevention. He has spoken at over 100 events, from keynotes to panels, for law firms, schools, societies, and bar associations across Ontario and Canada. Having had experience in private practice under his belt with various sizes of firms, Ian has seen the trials and tribulations lawyers go through. He has served as Vice President of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers, mentored young lawyers, and advocated for diverse lawyers and students. He currently sits as Chair of the Sole, Small Firm & General Practice Section at the Ontario Bar Association, and has also served on the executive of the Young Lawyers Division. He is a Leadership Member of the American Bar Association, Law Practice Division, Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and Law Practice Today Board. Ian invites you to chat on LinkedIn, tweet him @IanHuLawpro or comment on his blogs at and