Challenging & Presenting Expert Evidence: Preparation, Procedure & Practice |

Challenging and Presenting Expert Evidence: Preparation, Procedure and Practice

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.25
15 minutes
Substantive: 0.75
45 minutes
Solomon Friedman
County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA)
1 hour
$119.00 plus tax
34th Annual Criminal Law Conference
Includes Handouts

Solomon Friedman reviews how to prepare for challenging the Crown’s expert at trial, and how to prepare your own expert for trial. The panelist covers strategies for effective client interviews to obtain all relevant information from the client that you need to prepare to examine or cross examine the relevant expert(s), managing the client’s expectations of what retaining an expert can do for their case and what the financial cost will be to the client, what to ask for in your disclosure requests, what materials the Crown should be providing to you, how you should be preparing to cross-examine the Crown’s expert – including contacting the Crown’s witness ahead of time, and how you should be preparing to examine your own expert – including how to deal with previous drafts of your own expert’s report


Solomon Friedman

Solomon Friedman is a criminal defence lawyer from Ottawa, with the firm Edelson & Friedman LLP. Prior to his call to the bar, Solomon clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada for the Honourable Justice Morris Fish. His 12-year-old daughter thinks he is the best lawyer in Canada. Her twin brother disagrees

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