A Review of the Law of Navigable Waterways in Ontario in the Context of Natural Severances, & the Role of Official Plans in Applications for Building Permits. Real Estate Fraud. | CPDonline.ca

A Review of the Law of Navigable Waterways in Ontario in the Context of Natural Severances, and the Role of Official Plans in Applications for Building Permits. Real Estate Fraud.

A Review of the Law of Navigable Waterways in Ontario in the COntext of Natural Severances, and the Role of Officeial Plans in Applications for Building Permits. Real Estate Fraud.

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Professionalism (Ethics, etc.): 0.5
30 minutes
Substantive: 0.5
25 minutes
Aanalee Ferreira
Marie Taylor
Middlesex Law Association
55 minutes
$119.00 plus tax
The Semi-Annual Real Estate Seminar
Includes Handouts

Analee Ferreira of Ferreira Law, and Marie Talor, a certified fraud examiner review the law of navigable waterways in Ontario in the context of natural severances the role of official Plans in applications for building permits, and the occurrence of real estate fraud in these areas.


Aanalee Ferreira

Analee J.M. Ferreira is a London Ontario based Lawyer focused on the niche area of land development and municipal law. Skilled at legal research, writing and oral advocacy, Analee has presented before various administrative tribunals and has experience before all levels of Court, including the Supreme Court of Canada. After being with a London local law firm for 13 years as an Associate and then Partner, Analee started her own practice as Ferreira Law in 2017. She represents a broad range of Clients on both the public and private side, including Property Owners, Land Developers, Municipalities, and Conservation Authorities. Analee deals with many matters touching on municipal and property law, including:

  • Appeals before the Ontario Municipal Board
  • Court Applications for private owners to determine property rights relating to rights of way and easements
  • General civil litigation relating to peripheral development issues such as commercial lease disputes
  • Appeals relating to tree protection
  • Building Permit Appeals
  • Appeals under the Ontario Heritage Act
  • Court Applications challenging or defending Municipal By-laws

After obtaining her B.A. in Political Studies from Queens University, Analee went on to pursue her legal career, earning her LLB from Western Law School and being called to the bar in 2004. Committed to her community, Analee is a proud member of the London Chamber of Commerce, Law Society of Upper Canada and the Middlesex Law Association, and has volunteered for CNIB. Analee also enjoys presenting at continuing legal education programs for the Law Society of Upper Canada’s Continuing Professional Development Program and has written for the Lawyers Weekly.

Marie Taylor

Marie Taylor has been a valued member of FCT’s legal team for over fifteen years.  Marie is a Certified Fraud Examiner and  is a sought-after subject matter expert specializing in residential title insurance and the effects of fraud on the title insurance industry in Canada. She travels across the country as the keynote speaker on title fraud for the popular and accredited 2016 FCT Seminar Series, educating lenders and lawyers so that they can more readily spot red flags and suspicious indicators in real estate transactions in order to detect and prevent fraud.

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